Are there any other questions?
We will proceed.
As a reminder, we will not deal with clause 1. Pursuant to Standing Order 75(1), we will deal with clause 1 at the very end of the proceeding, when everything else has been voted on, as a final act of clause-by-clause consideration.
Turning first to clause 2, I want to call members' attention to two options we have with respect to dealing with clause 2. We have received two motions, amendment motions LIB-1 and LIB-2, with respect to clause 2.
Before they're moved, I just want you to consider that the committee can decide by a motion to stand clause 2 and leave it until we come to the very end. If the committee decided to do that, the reason would be that amendments LIB-1 and LIB-2 would automatically put amendment LIB-10 into play, and it would then be deemed to have been moved and approved, changing clause 15.
If we do that, then amendment CPC-7 would not be admissible to be heard, because it would be in contradiction with LIB-10.
We have two options. Option one is to stand clause 2 and leave it to the end, thus allowing us to go on to clause 3, and then we would hear amendments LIB-1 and LIB-2 at the end of the meeting. Option two is that we could hear amendments LIB-1 and LIB-2 now, which would then take clause 10 into consideration and negate amendment CPC-7.
It is your decision whether you would like to do that. I don't need unanimous consent; I could have a motion to stand clause 2 until the end so that we could deal with all related motions further on in the meeting.