Thanks, Nathaniel, for your intervention. I can give you that assurance, certainly, on behalf of our caucus, but there are still some problems. I don't want to suggest that if that's the nature of how these votes go and then we're left with your potential amendments, that's the land of milk and honey for us, because it's not.
We're still very concerned over the ability and the authority of ministers to exclude information. We think it's quite.... I know you're trying to hem that in and I respect that, but it's still quite broad, in our estimation. It takes a strong minister to withstand the pressure from her or his department to take a certain course of action. It takes a strong minister, and I know this may sound like apostasy, but not every minister is strong. Not every minister can withstand the bureaucratic pressures that she or he is under. I'm just stating that from my own experience in life. That's where the problem lies.
Having said all of that, I'll say that sometimes one has to put a little bit of water in the wine and then hope for the best. I still support NDP-6 as a better solution. I think it's a more direct solution. When the time comes, if it comes, then certainly I would respect both of your motions as one package.