Well, it's pretty straightforward. Inmate allowances for work inside the institutions and for program participation were set in 1981. Since 1981, there has been an increasing financial burden on federally sentenced offenders to pay for things such as telephone calls. Also, a proportion of their incomes, such as they are, go towards room and board.
This allowance that was set 35 years ago also allows inmates to save for their release, and it allows them to maintain contact with their families. I don't know what the cost of a postage stamp is in terms of percentages since 1981, but if somebody wants to mail a birthday card home to their child or a Christmas card home to their family, they pay for that themselves. That money is used for canteen goods as well. If they want to buy something that's available through the inmate canteen, the cost of canteen goods has gone up nearly 800%, I believe, in that 35 years, but of course the allowances haven't—