Absolutely. There are good practices around the world, and many south of the border. As much as we like to demonize U.S. corrections, there are some very good practices. There's the way that U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons, for example, deals with compassionate release for elderly and ill offenders. I think we could draw lessons from that.
There are European jurisdictions that are far more advanced than we are in terms of using digital technology, computer-based technology for reintegration programs, being able to access the outside world through very highly structured and monitored Internet access for things like job searches, etc., and vocational training.
There are examples in jurisdictions, particularly Australia and New Zealand, that I think we can learn from when it comes to how we properly interact with indigenous communities.
Really, you can go around the world and pick out some good practices. I have to say that other countries come to Canada and pick out good practices here, too. It's not all bleak, but we certainly don't have all the answers here.