I'm echoing all of my colleagues' heaping of gratitude for your years of service in this capacity, and wishing you the best in your future endeavours.
Page 45 of your report refers to your recommendation that the CSC appoint a deputy commissioner for indigenous corrections. In that recommendation, which is number 16 in your report, you refer to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and all of the recommendations there, and our government's commitment to act on the TRC recommendations. You refer to the Gladue sentencing principles, which have been imported into the correctional services context. You also refer to the Ewert decision, which was a September 2015 Federal Court decision that, among other things, indicated that the psychological assessment practices currently within the CSC are not particularly reliable, and in fact, are unreliable as they relate to the indigenous population, which is overrepresented.
May I ask you, are those three main components under the recommendation the beginnings of a mandate letter for this new deputy commissioner?