No, it's just because I feel it is very thorough. It's not often that we get a chance to speak to folks who have lived first-hand the issues that we deal with. There is an ivory tower side to this place, so certainly thank you, as my colleagues have said, for taking the time and having the courage to do this. It's very much appreciated.
I did want to pick up on something that has been mentioned a few times, and Mr. Clement mentioned it, as well: the question of education. The word “wilful” was used, and I think it is appropriate, unfortunately. Once this debate is over on this particular piece of legislation, and notwithstanding our conclusion, there are folks who will always make, tragically, that choice. I don't think we can ever get it 100%, right, and I think folks recognize that.
In terms of the work that both your organizations have done in trying to work on that education piece, what can we do, as parliamentarians, to feed into that and make sure that these crimes don't happen in the first place, because the damage is irreparable after that?