Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Shack, thanks for being here.
I want to focus on the counter-radicalization question. I like the phrase you used: “nipping it in the bud”. I think that's one of the important pieces here. As part of this study, we actually had the opportunity to visit the centre in Montreal. One of the points that the folks working there raised was about the rise in all forms of radicalization, including for young people becoming neo-Nazis.
In the tragic circumstances in Quebec, we saw an attack that was fed by Islamophobia, but it could very well have been an attack fed by anti-Semitism as well, obviously. The numbers don't lie, unfortunately, about what the community faces.
I'm wondering what your thoughts are on this. It hasn't been perfect, but it's certainly one of a kind in North America, and I'm wondering if you have any thoughts on what has gone on in Montreal and what lessons can be learned from that. Do you have more thoughts on the federal government plan going forward and what they should be doing? I know that we've talked about the coordinator, but obviously we have to move beyond that one role. Could you share a bit more of your thoughts on that?