To be clear, CBA's position is not that information sharing in and of itself is a problem. In fact, one of the problems highlighted by the Air India commission was a lack of information sharing and coordination between agencies. The issue is with how that was implemented in C-51 in terms of information sharing. There are two or three problems that have arisen. One is in terms of the mechanisms for protecting the information. In other words, how do we know and what are the limits to how far the information goes once it has been shared from one agency to another? Those mechanisms are hazy at best. In other words, if the RCMP passes information on to CBSA, CBSA can then pass that information on to their counterparts in the U.S., who then use it for other purposes; or it gets passed on to another agency that's outside of the Security of Information Sharing Act.
Even within the information sharing act itself, one of the problems we have is that there is no agency that can oversee the information sharing as a whole. This is a two-part problem. One problem is not having any mechanism for oversight of the national security apparatus as a whole, even though the information sharing act treats the national security apparatus as if it were one whole-of-government approach. If you're going to have a whole-of-government approach, you need to have a whole-of-government approach to oversight and review.
The second problem—and this comes back to the definition issue I was raising earlier—is that the information sharing act created a new definition of national security that is staggeringly broad and does not just include what we would generally refer to as national security issues. When you drill down and look at the actual definition—and I'll rely on our written materials at the time with respect to that—you'll see that the act doesn't restrict the definition of national security in the way that, for example, the CSIS Act does. The scope is much broader than what would colloquially be referred to as national security.
Those are some of the concerns we have. The concern is not with information sharing in and of itself. Obviously, you share—