Thank you.
Thank you, Minister, for making an appearance here. I think that's very important as we discuss this bill.
You may not be aware, but several weeks ago I had the occasion to be in London, in the U.K., with David McGuinty, at a Commonwealth inter-parliamentary conference on national security and cybersecurity. One of the themes that was common throughout all the jurisdictions that were represented there was the idea that for security measures to work, it was important that the population buy into those measures. You have to have that public support because we're asking a great deal when it comes to security measures, and in some cases the extraordinary aspects of that.
You did address this in your remarks, but I want to return to it a little. The primary concern that seems to have emanated from the bill has been the issue of U.S. officials detaining Canadians on Canadian soil. I'm giving you the floor to address those concerns. I think that seems to be one of the issues that has gained some traction in the public mind.