Clause 22 says the U.S. has the power to detain individuals for a strip search. Our understanding of that is, once so detained, they're no longer going to be able to withdraw. They are now under detention, first of all. Second of all, subclauses 22(1) and (2) are fine. We would be fine with just those two, and of course, 22(3) as well.
Where we run into problems is with subclause 22(4). We would delete number four altogether. We don't think the pre-clearance officer should ever be given the power to strip search. We don't think that subclauses 22(1) through (3) are a safeguard against number four. Subclause 22(4) deals with the circumstances where you can't get a strip search by a Canadian under subclauses 22(1), (2), and (3).