Part of the answer, Mr. Di lorio, comes from the publicity around this issue in the last number of years, and indeed within the last year here in Canada. It is very publicly discussed now. I wonder when the last time was that somebody asked that kind of a question in a committee of Parliament. It's getting greater public attention, and that's good.
I was pleased when I saw the media stories back in the winter that put this issue on the front pages and prompted a reaction from governments and police forces all across the country. It's good that we're developing that kind of momentum.
Part of the government's response—and it can't be the only part—is the commitment of more than $100 million in the federal budget for a new strategic approach to gender-based violence. Together, the minister responsible for the status of women and my department will be looking forward to an early opportunity to roll forward the details of that, a significant portion of which will be the activities of the RCMP. They were already proactive on this file before the fact, but they will play a very important role in the strategy and the work of the Government of Canada on gender-based violence.
We also look forward to every opportunity to work with our provincial and territorial colleagues to make sure this is a coherent, seamless, national effort.