We're all set to reconvene the meeting.
First, I want to welcome the minister, but more importantly I want to welcome a group of students who have joined us today from Vancouver. They're hiding at the back of the room. I want to welcome the CJPAC group of teenage leaders who are watching democracy in action. We're delighted to have you with us today.
We are going to continue our meeting now, pursuant to Standing Order 81(4), to consider the main estimates for 2017-18.
Just for the officials' and the minister's information, at the start of this meeting it was decided not to consider the supplementary estimates (A). We'll just be considering the main estimates at this meeting, and the committee will reconvene at some point to make sure that we take time to consider supplementary estimates (A). We're not sure exactly when we'll do that, but that was decided on earlier in the meeting.
Welcome, Minister and all your officials. The room is filled, and we're very pleased that you're able to come.
Normally, we would begin with an opening statement.