Mr. Chairman, let me attempt to answer that question. I do have a number. I'll have to dig into my material to find the actual amount that we've set aside for the recruitment piece associated with the levels plan.
It's part of our intake process. We will intake probably 300 to 400 people in any given year. It takes 22 weeks to put recruits through the training process at our college in Rigaud. We do have some attrition associated with that intake, because not everybody is necessarily successful at passing every piece of our training process, but we generally train about 300 people on an annual basis through our Rigaud facility.
As part of the immigration levels, we will have additional funding for recruitment. I'll get you the answer with respect to the number: it's $20 million of that $44 million that's for recruitment.
I'll also see if I can find you an answer with respect to how many people we expect in terms of increasing the complement of officers.