Thank you.
I appreciate your raising it, because I think it's important, particularly for the cohort you talk about, the young person who is trying to transition to a new career and who is looking for symptom relief, that we not hold this out as some solution when it can be more a detriment. I appreciate that.
I also appreciate, because we are starting to look at this, and my colleague Todd Doherty is here, who has been long advocating for a national strategy on operational stress.... Your three recommendations were very helpful. I'm going to explore number two for a moment, on the national institute.
In many ways, the previous government, working with universities, Veterans Affairs, DND, CIMHVR, and Dr. Aiken at Queen's, and their network of I think as many as 25 or 26 universities now.... Is that institute, in some ways, or do you think it could be....? Does it need a broader mandate? Can it be that national institute you're talking about?