Thank you very much.
I think that just forces me to reiterate the concern I have about the fact that we're at the mercy of regulation on so many of these particular issues I raised. When we heard from officials the first time, I think we were talking about how our law applies to Canadians on Canadian soil. That we would have to defer to any changes the minister will make to regulation, which is not subject to parliamentary debate or vote or anything, is something that, with all due respect to the officials, I certainly find very troubling.
With regard to paragraph 17(e), I'm wondering if that still feeds into Mr. Ashton's concern that was raised on behalf of the people he represents insofar as it mentions the “operator” of a facility. One of the specific concerns raised was the Department of Homeland Security in the U.S. sharing information with their employer without the appropriate transparency for them when going through the hiring process. Leaving them at the mercy of the operator still leaves us, I believe, with that problem in play. I believe it's extremely problematic when we have an inability to actually put in legal protection and when, once again, with all due respect, this is at mercy of regulation.