Every day? Okay.
I'm going to go into the reacting stage of every day and ask if it is displaced sarcasm, intrusive thoughts, or sometimes distraction or loss in focus. What we see in thinking and attitudes is that as we move to the right of that continuum, we lose our sense of humour. It perhaps becomes displaced sarcasm and can easily turn into a negative attitude, and then we have somebody who, if they're in the red, is non-compliant.
We don't want to get to the red. The whole premise of this program is to identify those signs and symptoms before we get there.
It's also important to explain some of the signs and symptoms of our thinking and attitudes when we are in the red. There are suicidal thoughts that may not lead to suicide, but then there is suicidal intent, and there are people who have taken their life by suicide.
In terms of the inability to concentrate, loss of memory, and cognitive abilities, let's say you're standing there in the kitchen and asking, “Why am I here and what was I supposed to get?” Now, if that happens on occasion, we're okay, but if that starts happening over and over, we're going to have to question where we are on that spectrum.
Then you're going to see physical changes. If you look at the screen here, you'll see that we talk about sleep patterns, appetite, energy, and weight. What do you think is the number one physical change that people will be affected by more than other signs and symptoms in our physical state? Everything else goes if we lack what?