This program is education based, and there are videos throughout. We're going to show you this one.
[Video presentation]
It's very impactful. Videos like that really resonate with those sitting in the room in this workshop. The big four.... The Navy SEALs in the U.S. were struggling with the passing rates of their applicants. They introduced these, which were borrowed by the Department of National Defence, and they effectively increased the success rate of their Navy SEAL applicants' getting into the program.
With each of the four that are set out as goal setting, there is a definition. There is an activity for the group to go through. They use the SMART goals. How do you reach a SMART goal? It's very interactive. Visualization, also known as mental rehearsal, is where we do a guided visualization and we often give examples of where you could use a visualization that might help to decrease the anxiety level in a difficult situation or talking to somebody about something...dealing with a conflict.
Then there's the self-talk. There's negative self-talk, where most of the time that's what we're saying to ourselves, and then looking at the thinking traps. We're talking about thinking traps that we use as habits and trying to change them into more positive self-talk.
The fourth one we go into is what you could call tactical breathing. You can call it yoga breathing. You can call it calming or deep breathing. But in effect, you practise what I call box breathing, where you take four breaths, then hold for four, then exhale for four, and hold for four again. Again, you can go to Dr. Google and read about it. It's extremely effective in decreasing anxiety right away in a moment of anxiety or crisis.