In the same way, as soon as soldiers put on their uniforms and go into the field, their stress levels are necessarily higher. The context is completely different.
So, the percentage of 8% to 10% is somewhat surprising, since the base is not the same as for a shift in other trades.
Does your intervention begin when a mental health problem is diagnosed, or are you asked or would it be justifiable to ask that you intervene in cases where people are in a grey area?
Everyone knows people who are not doing well at one time or another. The latter do not necessarily suffer from a mental health problem. There is no standard. It is impossible to determine precisely from what point an individual is considered to be suffering from a mental health problem and not merely a little crazy in the good sense of the word. However, for a mental health issue, it is often advisable to consult a professional, simply for follow-up. It is not necessarily that things are going so badly, but we don't want to get to the point of no return.
Do your interventions cover these grey areas? Do you intervene during yellow or orange periods, or only when they turn red?