You mentioned in your presentation that this is one tool. Certainly that's what we said in our study as well. This isn't the fix. This is one tool in the tool box to deal with it.
When you're doing these presentations, do you focus on that, in particular with the managers? I'll be honest with you. One of the things I've heard is that, in some cases, managers feel they've done this training and therefore the problem is fixed within their department, without dealing with all of the other things that are necessary.
I'll give you the example of Halton where they have an organizational wellness unit. They're dealing with all the things that they need to be doing. They're doing an excellent job. They have peer-to peer-support. They have a lot of different options to deal with the officers.
How much do you deal with that when you're doing the training? I'm sure you've heard that as well.