I'll just add that through the PIA process some specific recommendations we made that CBSA was receptive to had to do with the retention of the information. Originally when we were approached, the planned retention period was 75 years for CBSA, but through discussions with them, that has been lowered to 15 years. I will add that we're still unclear as to the necessity for the 15-year retention period. In our opinion, that could also be quite long, but in comparison to the 75 years, it's obviously better.
Also, with regard to information-sharing agreements with the United States, we've been provided copies of those through the PIA, and then, of course, the notices that you have brought up. Throughout all of our discussions on PIAs, we always engage in discussions on the necessity for the information collected and disclosed, as well as the effectiveness, so that while they might not be able to demonstrate it from the outset, they have mechanisms in place to gauge that and they can tailor the program along the way.