Yes, absolutely. The State of New York passed legislation about 20 years ago recognizing that Akwesasne is one community with respect to education, so children who live in Akwesasne can attend a New York state school without having to pay any tuition or worrying about where they live.
In some of these reviews, what happens is that if it's a mother being reviewed for her child tax credits and her child actually attends a New York state school, the State of New York recognizes that, but again ,when you go to a review, you see that the mother lives in Ontario and has a child's school records from a New York state school. As well, sometimes in those cases the child actually may have been born in a New York hospital. When you take all this documentation and put it to a reviewer in one of the systems, it looks like they're not entitled, right? Also, that's for one person. Remember: there are 12,500 Mohawks on every side of the border here.