Sure. Thank you, Ms. Leitch.
On the transparency part first, I think that's the easiest one in terms of building a requirement in the legislation that there should be a public annual reporting to Parliament on the performance of Bill C-21. It would be one of the occasions on which CBSA would come before Parliament to really explain how they're performing. I think that would be important.
The retention schedule is, I think, a very complex issue. I don't have an easy answer for you. I have gotten as far as thinking, I must confess, that it would be important to have in the legislation guidelines on retention, with some degree of flexibility, geared to the specific different objectives as outlined in the backgrounder.
If I were looking for a timeline around this, I would say one to two years, maximum, and differentiated among the different objectives—but not 15, not 30, not 75; not an eternity.