I'll do my best on this. Again, I don't feel I have any kind of perfect or solid answer for the committee on this, but I think the approach is to stream it according to the different objectives of Bill C-21 in terms of the concerns that it's meant to deal with, and to keep in mind as well that Bill C-21 information, entry-exit information, is going to be only a small piece to a larger informational puzzle that you might need to apply to particular cases. It's never going to be stand-alone information.
In that sense, although I understand your concern that once you delete data from a database it's gone forever, I think there are a couple of things to be said about that. One is that there's probably another source from which that data could ultimately be acquired if you really needed it after a period of time that was covered by the retention schedule.
Second, and importantly, we have to understand that the more that an agency like CBSA is flooded with information, just as a general proposition, the less able it's going to be to actually winnow that information and find what it really needs to find in it. My concern is with the way we can—