Skepticism may be too strong a word, and I deliberately didn't say I was skeptical about it. I just said I was puzzled by the degree of enthusiasm. “Huge, huge benefit” is a little over the top, frankly, in a couple of ways.
First, referring back to a previous question, this is a supplementary investigative tool. It's not going to change the view of our allies and partners about how well we perform security functions in Canada. It's not going to have a huge impact in that regard. Certainly it would be something that the United States government would look to see capped off, given the long history of this initiative.
Also, in the context of our recent discussion, if entry-exit information in the air travel or land travel modes is not going to be shared with foreign partners, I don't—to be honest—really see how this is going to be a “huge, huge benefit” for Canada, except to say we're doing it.