Right, and they can be multi-faceted in many ways, as you just expressed.
We also have to establish the level of intensity for this intervention. A higher-intensity program, as was described, would be over 100 sessions, which is fairly intensive and requires time and effort. A moderate-intensity intervention would be 50 sessions or so. Again, an individualized correctional plan is developed for each and every offender on admission to address their needs. Then a level of intensity is established, and they are referred to a program.
Our integrated correctional program model, as was described, is fairly comprehensive. It begins with a primer at the beginning. Many offenders are not equipped to participate in group-based programming. As we know, many of these offenders have had difficulty in school or in participating in these things, so we need to get them ready and prepared to be in a group-based delivery of a program simply because it's more cost-effective.