Thank you both for taking the time to be here today. It's greatly appreciated.
I have two sets of questions, and I'm fine with either of you answering them. I won't direct them.
Both of you have mentioned the lack of economic activity as one of the greater challenges—whether it be on or off reserve—for opportunities for aboriginal Canadians, Inuit, and Métis. With respect to on-reserve activities, but also off reserve for those who are Métis or Inuit, what do you think are some of the specifics that are needed? We talk in generalities, but in order to implement change, my experience has been that we need to know specifics.
Is that developing trade skills? Is that making sure there are opportunities with royalty rights? What are the specifics that would be at the top of your list of things that could be done collaboratively with your peoples and the government to be successful?