No, I do not agree, because, as I pointed out previously, the offence of counselling for a terrorist activity is already there in the Criminal Code. It's a different section. It's not section 83.221. I think it's subparagraph 83.01(1)(b)(ii), but it's there, and if all they needed was the offence of counselling to go ahead, they could have used that provision. They didn't have to get a change in the law.
The fact that they didn't do it, even though it's already there, doesn't give me much confidence, as I said, that just saying it twice, in two different parts of the Criminal Code, is going to do much. I think the problem lies elsewhere. It's basically that they're just not used to dealing with terrorism. It's not traditional expertise within the police force. They really have to develop a specialized expertise that can address it.