I would say as a starting point, yes. I think it's critical to have additional authorization required for that type of information collection. I think there are a lot of concerns about in particular about collection by the CSE, how that impacts Canadians, and how their information is collected.
You don't show a passport when you browse the Internet. It's really hard to justify who is or isn't a Canadian. I don't hold that against the intelligence agencies. It's difficult to know that information, but I think a lot of the provisions in the proposed CSE act are being hedged in, “But don't worry, this won't impact Canadians”. That's hard to guarantee.
I think that, even further, beyond just the information collection, a lot of the disruption powers can also impact Canadians. I think that's where having that additional authorization is important. I think using the idea they won't target Canadians is a little bit misleading. Even if they're not targeted, they will inevitably be affected by the way the Internet is set up and the way it works.