Thank you very much, Chair.
Thank you to both of you for being here today.
For the sake of full disclosure, almost 20 years ago, Steve Anderson, the founder of OpenMedia, was my roommate at Western University, so please say hello.
In any case, I want to begin with Ms. Tribe, if I could, and follow up on some of the questioning we've heard with respect to CSE.
This committee has heard a great deal of testimony on the threats to Canada's critical infrastructure: hydroelectric systems, nuclear energy, the banking system, and in particular health information. I take what you say about CSE seriously, although I disagree because I think we have to have an offensive capability that can protect that critical infrastructure.
From your perspective I'd like to understand how you would advise this or any Canadian government to guard itself from the very real threats that exist in the cyber network or cyber sphere? It's not a loaded question; I'm sincere in asking it.