Thank you for the question.
I will just talk a little bit about the proposed amendments. The Youth Criminal Justice Act recognizes that young persons have special guarantees of rights and freedoms, and it contains a number of significant legal safeguards to ensure they are treated fairly and their rights are fully protected. Part 8 of the bill is aimed at ensuring that all youth who are involved in the criminal justice system due to terrorism-related conduct are afforded enhanced procedural and other protections that the Youth Criminal Justice Act provides. It ensures, for example, that youth protections apply in relation to recognizance orders and clarifies that youth justice courts have exclusive jurisdiction to impose these orders on youth.
For example, if a young person were to come before a youth justice court on an application for a terrorism peace bond and is not represented by a lawyer, the amendments here would require the court to advise the young person of his or her right to retain and instruct counsel, refer the young person to any available legal aid program, and if the young person is unable to obtain counsel through the program, direct that young person to be represented by counsel provided by the state upon request of the young person.
There is more discussion internationally about the effects of terrorism on the juvenile justice system, and these proposals for amendments to the Youth Criminal Justice Act are to enhance protections of youth in proceedings where recognizance with conditions in terrorism peace bonds apply, but it also provides for access to youth records for the purposes of administering the Canadian passport order, subject to the privacy protections of the act.