I would add that the capability exists with CSE now. One of the reasons National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces have been added to our assistance mandate is that should they engage in cyber operations in support of government-approved military operations, they could leverage our capabilities in that regard. Where it's in a military context, leveraging us, when it's outside of a military context....
We have to keep in mind that some of the things we're talking about here would be, for example, if intellectual property were stolen from a Canadian company, we could perhaps go upstream and render that unreadable. This is not always in the stream of aggression and cyber-war, and that kind of thing. There are civilian uses of this and there are prohibitions built in to keep us within the swim lane of that, whether it's prohibitions against bodily harm and the like.... Having the dual key of the Minister of National Defence and the Minister of Foreign Affairs ensures that the kinds of activities we're undertaking are consistent with international priorities and international law.