The environment is incredibly complex, as you state. The work that CSE does under its traditional mandates of foreign intelligence and cyber-security allows us to build up a picture of the environment against which an active cyber operation might be delivered. In that sense, an incredible amount of research and work and intelligence needs to be compiled to understand the foreign targets, the foreign infrastructure, what it's connected to, and what the residual impacts might be if something were launched in that space. So a great deal of analysis needs to go into coming up with options for the government to consider, and they also need to consider whether or not they want CSE to conduct an active cyber operation against a greater objective. In this sense, there are some big restrictions around how that works, including the requirement for it to be reasonable and proportionate. Two ministers, the Minister of National Defence and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, need to sign off on that and understand what the implications could be.
I might turn to my colleague to talk about some of the other restrictions and limitations that exist within that space that would guide our decision-making.