You mentioned several times that there were some serial harassers and multiple victims of one or more particular individuals, some of whom were promoted and are still there. One survivor of this harassment indicated to me that they're still there and that you do have a list. You've said that several times. They may be up in very high ranks in the force. Should something be done with that list? It sounds like you're inviting us to ask you to help. Maybe these individuals ought not to be there anymore.
I notice you suggest in your recommendations that someone who's been found to have engaged in harassment should be punished, but if they're found a second time, they should be dismissed from the force. You have identified people who have already been found to have harassed more than once. What should happen to them? Should they be identified and encouraged to leave the force in some way or another? Is there something that should happen as a sign that there's an attempt to clear the decks?