Yes it is, sir.
I don't know if I was misreading, or had a note here that ended up.... The motion that we passed actually has a provision for three meetings in June, potentially, of the CSC or Levesque study, going to June 21, when there's no possibility of anything being translated to get the report to the House. If June 9 is reserved for the CSC study, then I would be okay, but if I'm wrong, then we have three meetings in June, after the seventh, which are for either the CSC or Levesque. That means that CSC is only tentative. I would like to ensure that at least one meeting be guaranteed, particularly since we are not going to get a report from the Levesque study back to the House.
Now that we're on the main motion, I'd like to amend the main motion by suggesting that one of these meetings be reserved specifically for CSC. I'd prefer the ninth, but I'd accept the 16th.