Thank you. As for the limitations to your answer, I understand them, but it's also frustrating to not understand the nature and extent of the threat to both our economy and our democracy in a more specific way.
Thank you, though, for your presentation. As you can see, there's a huge appetite from the members for the work of your committee. I think, speaking on behalf of the members of the public safety committee, that not only you and Mr. Jorgensen are to be thanked, but also, if you'd thank them, the other members of Parliament who have joined you, including our Mr. Motz, who I'm sure has contributed to your deliberations.
Thank you.
With that, we'll suspend for a minute or two to let Mr. McGuinty and Mr. Jorgensen leave. Then we'll ask Madam Damoff to present her emergency motion, and then we'll deal with the subcommittee's report.