Chair, I'm actually surprised that we're still talking about this. I can't tell you how disappointed I am to hear comments like, “We're running out of time.” There was a family in London, Ontario, that ran out of time and were killed. I watched the vigil last night and I listened to every single leader of the Conservative Party, the Bloc Québécois, the Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party speak passionately. The Bloc leader was in London as well, even though he didn't speak. All of them talked about working across party lines.
I watched that vigil last night and I felt that it was urgent for the public safety committee to do work on this. We had already committed to a study on ideologically motivated violent extremism. We had already decided to do that. I listened to someone from the National Council of Canadian Muslims talk about how they wanted action and I felt that this was something we could do as parliamentarians. I also find it offensive to say that we, as parliamentarians, don't have a role. I'm sorry, but I believe we do. I believe we can give these people a voice and I would hope that we could vote on this.
I am prepared to agree to Joël's amendment. I've accepted to reduce this to one meeting, although I would have preferred to have two. I think this is something that we need to do urgently. I just think this talk about running out of time is terrible. We should vote on this, and if people don't feel that this is an important issue, then shame on them.