Yes. Thank you for raising that point.
This was the third systemic investigation we undertook. We looked at therapeutic ranges. The Trudeau government provided some funding to establish this initiative to try to enhance mental health services to offenders, so we actually looked at those therapeutic ranges in maximum security institutions. We found that many of them were not operating at full capacity. We found that the infrastructure was often deficient. Those ranges in some penitentiaries were simply housed in the old administrative segregation ranges. There were always problems finding program rooms, and yards were inadequate.
We also found that the level of care that was being provided did not match what was initially planned. We witnessed the fact that they are often putting individuals who do not meet the criteria for intermediate care in those ranges as simply placements to deal with problems of incompatibility and so forth. Overall, we were quite disappointed with the implementation of those new ranges.
In terms of a response, the service provided us with the response that they will look into it in two years from now. That again sort of undermined the work my office does. The findings are.... We did so many interviews with both staff and inmates. We reviewed the policy, reviewed the practices, reviewed the files. I think it speaks for itself that if they are going to continue that model, they have to do a better job at implementing what they had in mind on paper—