Thank you very much. I agree that this is a very important question.
Floods and the recovery from those floods have significantly impacted Canadians rights across the country and, as we both know, in the province of Quebec. That's why the Prime Minister mandated me in my portfolio to take action to create a more resilient and sustainable approach to floods in Canada. A very important and key component of this approach involves the creation of an interdisciplinary task force on flood insurance and relocation, as we announced earlier last week.
The task force will be given the job of looking at options to protect homeowners who are at high risk of flooding and who do not have adequate insurance protection and to examine the viability of low-cost national flood insurance programs. The task force is made up of representatives of the federal government, the provinces and territories and first nations. We've also gone into the private sector; for example, the insurance industry is represented at that discussion.
We will be sharing information and working closely together to engage various departments, including first nations off reserve, in providing a more effective response. I've also worked with the infrastructure minister with respect to providing funding to various jurisdictions for flood mitigation and flood prevention initiatives. It's a very comprehensive approach.
Angelo, we believe that the work of this task force in providing greater resiliency and protection for the victims of floods as well as a national insurance plan is going to be key to helping us provide a much more effective response.
I won't take the time to speak about this, but you know as well that the government, through the DFAA program, provides funding through the provinces to assist with flood response. We believe that a dollar invested in prevention is a far more effective dollar than one simply invested in recovery. We'll always be there for people who are victimized by floods, but we are doing some very important work to mitigate those problems before they happen.