Let me give you a few numbers on the sexual harassment side of things over the last couple of years.
In 2021, there were 48 out of 373 harassment files. Out of those, 12 did not meet the definition of harassment and violence; 16 at least had one allegation that met the definition of harassment, and 18 were withdrawn by the principal parties.
I must stress that our harassment process is independent. It's independent from the RCMP. The investigators are independent, but the decision-maker is a member of the RCMP who is present in the investigation.
Out of the total number of files, there's one that's still undergoing investigation. I want to make it perfectly clear: One complaint is too many. With one complaint, the damage in that unit has already been done. We want to get to a point where we don't get any more complaints.
The stats for 2022 are very similar, but the point is that I expect every employee engaged in the organization to respect and adhere to the core values of our organization.
We have measures in place to address that with regular members. We have a code of conduct through which some really great work has been done over the last couple of years. We're revamping the whole code of conduct to bring it to what is expected from Canadians when we are dealing with a code of conduct. We're being more aggressive on everything to do with sexual harassment and sexual assaults in the organization.