Thank you.
Before I get into my questioning with Mr. McCrorie, I do want to mention a point that Mr. Lloyd brought up.
Study after study shows that the deterrence of the sentence on the likelihood of a crime being committed is actually pretty low. Study after study has shown that. I studied that throughout law school: When a criminal commits a crime, they're not really thinking about, “Oh, this is going to be a three-year crime” versus “This is going to be a five-year crime”. The more likely question is, “What will I do”? What's actually more likely to sway their intention to commit that criminal activity is the likelihood of being caught.
If the rate at which crimes are being solved is falling, that's actually going to spur more criminal activity, because the criminal knows they can get away with it.
Mr. Wade, wouldn't you agree that the likelihood of a crime being solved is more likely to deter criminal activity than the sentence?