Thank you for those questions.
In the sense that the purpose of Bill C‑63 is to promote online safety and reduce harm, the duty to protect children, which is referred to in section 64 of the proposed act, is quite flexible. According to the proposed section, “an operator has a duty, in respect of a regulated service that it operates, to protect children by complying with section 65.” Section 66 of the proposed act gives the commission the power to establish a series of duties or measures that must be incorporated into the service.
According to the government, the proposed act provides the flexibility needed to better protect children on social media. During the consultations, it is certainly legitimate to wonder whether the appropriate response is to require some services to adopt age verification. Once again, there will be a specialized regulator with the necessary expertise. In addition, there are mechanisms to consult civil society and experts to ensure that these decisions are well-thought-out.