Well, if it's okay, Mr. MacGregor, I'll take your last question first because I think I can cut to the chase and then expand a little bit on your first question.
We'll continue to make the investments that are necessary to upgrade and modernize our technology platforms so that we're gathering the data we need in conjunction with law enforcement. I'm happy to chat offline with you more about that.
With regard to your first question and the concerns you expressed on behalf of emergency physicians, you are quite right that they are not the only group that has expressed a concern about the potential outing and vulnerabilities of victims and those who face gun violence and gender-based violence in general. I am very sensitive to that. We are going to work with you and with all parliamentarians to make sure we get our “red flag” and “yellow flag” regime right. I am concerned about ensuring that victims are empowered and can come forward when they choose to without compromising in any way their personal safety or integrity. We're going to work on it together.