I appreciate that. To be very fair to you, I did ask them about the federal funding they have received and they said it's very helpful.
I did ask about the several billion dollars that we anticipate the buyback and the proposed handgun ban will cost. As with all law enforcement I've talked to, both at this committee and also in person on Friday with the Winnipeg police who are seeing this on the ground, there is a great sense of frustration from police. Their resources are already strapped. They're having a hard time, as you know, dealing with rising gun violence and drug trafficking in our cities. When we speak to RCMP in rural Canada, rural crime is a growing issue as well, as you know.
From what I am hearing on the ground directly from police officers, there are no resources available for them to further extend themselves to now go to law-abiding citizens to remove their firearms.
Are you at all concerned that the measures your government will be implementing with the potential handgun ban and the buyback are going to severely hurt the already strapped resources of police to do their jobs right now to combat drugs and gang crime?