I can give a case study for both of these cases.
The job loss one involved a community member from the Hong Kong diaspora here in Canada who told me that he was employed by someone of Chinese descent here in Canada, and that person had very strong feelings about the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement.
Now, it's notable that he came to Canada under the Hong Kong pathway after having participated in the pro-democracy movement. His employer told him that it was not because of his political opinions that he was treating the community member in this way, but shortly after that, the man was mistreated to the point where he left his position.
The other case is that of a young woman who was renting a shared house in Toronto. She participated in a pro-democracy protest in 2019 in Canada, brought home posters, flyers from the protest and put them up in her room, which was her space. Her landlord then evicted her. It was shortly after that she found out that this landlord was a core member of the United Front in Canada.
That is a bit of context as to what that means.