Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
This amendment deals with the revision of the Act respecting countering foreign interference. During the hearings, we were obviously concerned and annoyed to learn that the Personal Information Act and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act were to be reviewed every five years, but that they weren't.
So we wrote the amendment at the suggestion of a witness who told us, in connection with the five-year review, that if there were an election next year and we elected a minority government that wouldn't stand, we could go through two election cycles without reviewing the act.
We therefore move that Bill C‑70, in clause 113, be amended by replacing lines 9 to 12 on page 86 with the following:31 (1) During the first year after a general election, a comprehensive review of this Act and its operation
We therefore propose that there be a review after each election in order to avoid the real possibility of having several elections in a five-year period without the act being reviewed.