Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I'm very pleased to move amendment BQ‑5, which, for brevity's sake, I'll call the double registration amendment, which Mr. Bilodeau and I have already discussed.
It may not be traditional, I agree, but it seems to me that when you want to establish a link between two parties, it's wise to identify the two parties in question. Of course, the measures won't be the same at every level. For example, universities may decide to use a diary rather than a large system. However, in the case of a public office holder, I believe that the person who registers as a foreign principal will have a correspondent at the other end, and it is this link that will enable us to establish a consequence or determine whether the relationship is legitimate. If I only have one end, i.e., the foreign principal, but I don't know who is at the other end, it's hard to make a connection and come to an understanding of what is going on.
In committee, some people told us it was a good idea. Others weren't sure, and still others said it was a bad idea. Opinions were very divided, but the fact remains that dual registration is part of best practice, not only in the context of a foreign interference registry, but in general. Establishing a double registration guarantees the possibility of identifying a source with much greater certainty.