Mr. McKinnon, you may have the wrong understanding. I'm happy to be here. I agreed to come for one hour. I am leaving on a flight for New Brunswick, going almost straight to the airport, with one stop at the public safety department to sign a particular document. I'll be spending tomorrow morning getting my monthly immunoglobulin treatment to boost my immune system. I don't intend to miss that, and I don't intend to miss the flight.
That being said, I'm happy to take a few more questions, but I cannot stay an hour. I've been an opposition MP too. I get exactly what Mr. Caputo is doing. We certainly released all of the documents the moment they were prepared by the Justice officials and we could rely on them. There was certainly no attempt to wait. The documents had to be translated, and we wanted to, of course, respect that rule.
I don't know, Mr. Chair, if there are another few minutes. I see that it's after 11 o'clock, and I will have to leave very shortly.