Mr. Chair, I can start, and then Vanessa may want to join in.
What I'd like to describe is that, in fact, I think we have a very robust system in place when it comes to security screening. You heard a little about it in the previous session. It starts with the assessment that is done by our colleagues in the IRCC, and then based on risk indicators, comprehensive files are referred to the CBSA and to CSIS to do comprehensive security screening. We can describe in more detail what is entailed in that, but I'd say, from a CBSA point of view, it's about understanding the person who's in front of us, reviewing the information we have, understanding their travel history, their work history and where they're coming from, and then doing in-depth analysis in terms of both open source research and running names and information, aliases, against a range of our intelligence and enforcement databases.
If necessary, then we also dig further into getting information from domestic as well as international partners. We then provide a recommendation to IRCC in terms of....