Mr. Chair, when a comprehensive security screening is concluded, CBSA will provide a recommendation as well as an assessment and information for the IRCC officer to consider. That recommendation can come back as favourable, at which point it indicates to the officer that there are no further concerns from a security screening perspective. It could come back as non-favourable, which indicates that there are concerns, or it could come back as inconclusive, which could indicate to the officer that more information is required for a recommendation.
Our officers will then take that into consideration. There are a number of things they can do with, for instance, a non-favourable recommendation. We are subject to and we do abide by the rules of procedural fairness, as I mentioned earlier. That means if we have adverse information on an applicant, then the officer will provide the opportunity for that applicant to address that adverse information. The information that's received, whether it's through an interview or in writing, is then assessed again by the officer before making a final decision. In that final decision, if it is an approval, the visa will be issued. If it is a refusal, after having given the applicant the opportunity for procedural fairness, the decision-maker, the officer, will put down all of their findings in their decision in writing to indicate to the applicant the refusal.