I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 118 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security.
Before we begin, I would ask all in-person participants to read the guidelines written on the updated cards on the table. These measures are in place to help prevent audio and feedback incidents and to protect the health and safety of all participants, including the interpreters. You will also notice a QR code on the card that links to a short awareness video.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format. I would like to remind participants of the following points. Please wait until I recognize you by name before speaking. All comments should be addressed through the chair. Members, please raise your hand if you wish to speak, whether participating in person or by Zoom. The clerk and I will manage the speaking order as best we can.
I inform you that the position of first vice-chair is vacant. MP Doug Shipley announced his resignation to me on Monday, September 16.
Thank you, Doug, for your service.
I now give the floor to the clerk so he can proceed with the election. Go ahead, Mr. Clerk.